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Show Files View as a Tree

Steve James 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 13

It would be very helpful if the files view could be shown as a combination folders/files tree view.

Obviously, the files view shows the relative directory column, but being able to toggle a tree view w/ files in each folder would be more intuitive and quicker to comprehend. This could possibly enable easily staging entire folders as well.


Allow '-' as branch grouping character in addition to '/'

ljantzen 9 years ago updated by Clément Moyroud 1 year ago 7

We have standardized on branch names on the format <username>-<ticket-id>-<description>. Allowing '-' (or any other character) as the grouping character would make grouping more flexible. It also happens that the same ticket has more than one branch, so multi-level grouping would be nice. Sort of like an expanding directory structure..

Branches view

clickable URLs in commit descriptions

jmarvie 9 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 3

in log view / details window make URLs of commit message clickable to be opened in default web browser


Allow easier reset/"rollback"

Hans 9 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 3

Sometimes I just mess it up, and want a clean copy from remote. Right now I have to go to the command line and do stuff like "git reset --hard origin/master". Would be nice if that was easier from the GUI. The Discard button on its own does not work, as by the time that you need this the GUI has often started merges and then all hell breaks loose; there are no more easy ways out.


File Manager integration

Thambaru Wijesekara 9 years ago updated by Ivan 6 years ago 2

SmartGit doesn't integrate with Windows Explorer or Nautilus in Ubuntu yet like other Git clients (Tortoise Git, Rabbit). It'd be great to go for that since we have to load all projects at once just to commit one project. I'm working on multiple projects at once so it's very inconvenient to close and Add them again to SmartGit.


Support Markdown in commit messages [SG-16156]

Sync 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 4

It would be nice if the [Commit] window would display commit messages in Markdown. 

Even if it's an opt-in advanced option, I would be happy.


Change tag color

silkfire 2 years ago updated by Giorgio Croci Candiani 2 years ago 3

In the latest version (22.1), the color of tags was changed to gray. I'd like to revert it to the previous yellow which I think has better contrast and is more intuitive to me. I couldn't find a way to change this in the settings, is there some other way of customizing it? Maybe through a .theme file?

Image 735


22.1 Preview: Keep old style of commits behind/ahead

Fredrik Blomqvist 2 years ago updated by Roland Schmitt 2 years ago 6

I've been a user of SmartGit for 10+ years and really like the Working Tree window. I don't find the new Standard window anywhere near as good, but that's fine since the Working Tree window is staying.

However, I noticed the style for showing how many commits a branch is behind/ahead changed into some gray subtle numbers. I like the old style a lot better since it's just visually clearer


Image 717

Same goes for branches that are missing their tracking branch and so forth. The old/current stable theme is superior imo. Not sure what else I can do other than beg you to keep it or make this new style an option or theme.


Checkout: handle "Nested Root" for submodule Deletion

Mario123 3 years ago updated by Paul Martinsen 2 years ago 1

Upon switching branches in a repository that contains submodules where the other branch does not contain this submodule anymore, the folder in the repository shows the state "Nested Root" . 

This gets really annoying since one has to manually navigate to that folder and delete it.

In this use case it would be helpful and to others less confusing to add the following:

* A dialog which asks what to do with that folder

  * Display an explanation of what happened. This is not an obvious and easy case for people.

  * The recommendation would offer deletion of this folder if it does not contain uncommitted and unpushed changes in that submodule (that can be determined opening a git shell in the folder and see what `git status` returns.  

  * If it does contain uncommitted commits that haven't been pushed, either abort changing branches or display this information to the user.

Image 663