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Exclude filter

ck05 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2
SmartGit has a nice file filter capability, but sometimes it would be great if it was possible to temporarily exclude (or ignore) certain files. Although this can be done by adding a line to the .gitignore file and removing it later, this is prone to errors if the removal is omitted.
It would be better if one could temporarily remove some files from view without ignoring them permanently and therefore risking to forget them. This could be realized by a checkbox similar to the regex option that says "show all except". The filter textbox should then change its label and maybe also its color to indicate the "inverted" mode.
A use case for this would be to exclude files that will be added with a later commit etc.


Syntax Highlighting: support for VB language

punchypie 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 0

Please add support for Visual Basic (both "classic" and .NET) in the list of languages recognised by the syntax highlighter. Currently the "Basic" language only supports the original version with uppercase keywords.


changes scroll during commit

matt higger 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 1

very minor:

I'd like to be able to scroll through the changes while writing the commit message.


support/offer git-imerge incremental merge scheme for simplified conflict resolution

ck05 8 years ago 0
git-imerge tries to simplify merge conflict resolution by doing "incremental" merges. It would be great if SmartGit could also offer such a scheme to simplify testing of merge results

Create "CTRL + Q" key binding

Stephan 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Simple one: I'm used to closing apps with CTRL + Q rather than ALT + F4. Could you please create an alias keybinding to allow this?


Log, Details: add a hyperlink underneath the PR number

Jean-christophe MANCIOT 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 0

When reading the log of some public repository like Ansible in this example, all pull requests appear without specific link, just the number & title, so we have to make a search to discover some details about each PR.

My proposal is to- add a hyperlink underneath the PR number to the corresponding PR on the repository web site, even if the PR is closed (see screenshot, whoops, we can't add some).
The call is easy: repository_URL/pull/PR_number, at least for GitHub.

Journal: option to show remote and local commits for an auxiliary branch

Ed_S 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 0

In the Journal, it would be nice to be able to show the remote and local commits for an auxiliary branch at the same time. For example develop and origin/develop. This would be really helpful when working on a feature branch.


Remotes context menu: Push to... preselects the selected remote

ck05 8 years ago 0

When the context menu from the "Remotes" list is invoked and "Push to.." is selected, it would be nice if the remote on which the context menu has been opened would be preselected.

I found myself more than once almost pushing to the wrong remote.

Alternatively, there should be an entry in the context menu named "push to this remote".

After all that's why it is called a context menu, because it should respect the context. Other context menus of SmartGit use that logic.


Blame Window VCR Controls for Navigating Commits

Steve James 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 1

It would be very helpful to have some "VCR Controls" (arrow buttons) in the Blame window to navigate between commits.


Export/Import settings and/or better `git push/clone` my SmartGit settings to my repo.

kyb 8 years ago 0

It would be very nice to save SmartGit settings as Git/Hg repo. And simple buttons Export and Import in Settings dialog is very useful when working on several machines or OSes