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File Compare: use standard macOS search functions and accelerators

griscom 5 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 4 years ago 1

Currently, SmartGit (and your other tools) use non-standard search functions on macOS:

- Command-E does nothing

- Command-F changes the search string to whatever is selected

- The search text isn't shared with other applications, and is inconsistent, e.g.:

    1) Open Find, enter some common text (call it "A"), and search successfully

    2) Close the Wind window

    3) Make sure no text is selected and then open Find again: you'll see the same text you searched for before

    4) Enter some garbage text (call it "B") and Find; dismiss the "Didn't find" warning and close "Find"

    5) Use Command-G: it'll find the previous text ("A")

    6) Make sure no text is selected and then open Find again: you'll see the garbage text ("B")

It should use the standard search functions described in Apple's UI standards:

- Command-E should set the shared search string to the currently selected text

- Command-F should open, showing the shared search string

- Changes to the search string should be shared with other applications

- Command-G should search with the shared search string; if it can't be found, then alarm (don't open a dialog)

- Have an option to allow wrap-around searches without prompting dialog


Colour branch labels in dark theme

jwellbelove 5 years ago updated by Pierre Goiffon 5 years ago 1

Love 'Smartgit', but when in the 'Dark' theme I find that the current

branch (in bold) does not really show up at all well against the other

(non-bold) branches.

I often find myself spending a few moments double checking which branch

I'm on. I'm running a 27" 4K screen.

Can I make a feature request to have the active branch in a different

colour (and not bold)?

Image 474

Image 475


Fast forward merge: support for multiple branches

Brian Pugh 5 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 5 years ago 0

Please add a way to quickly fast-forward merge multiple branches.  

In the "branches" view, if I have multiple branches selected, I would like to be able to right click -> fast-forward merge.  

If I right click on "local branches", "origin", or similar, I would like to be able to fast-forward merge them all.

My reason for this is when I like to keep a separate clone that doesn't have any of my local changes in it.  I use this to do merging operations that my have conflicts with my current working tree.  Or to have a clean copy to run comparisons with.  However, this gets out of sync with the upstream frequently since I'm not active in it.  


Github: Add option to show my pull requests only

Johnson Peter 5 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 1 week ago 4

Currently, all pull requests are shown. It is quite messy in a large repo. It will be convenient for the users to allow us to filter the pull requests, or at least add an option to show the author's pull requests only.


Organize "on branches" and "merged to branches"section of Commit pane.

Andrew Cook 5 years ago updated by griscom 11 months ago 4

When highlighting a commit in the log, I love the "on branches" sections of the commit pane.  However, it is currently only a comma delimited list that is definitely to read when it contains lots of branches or branches with long names.  I wish this section was more organized.  I would suggest a vertical bullet list.


Specify which repository/submodule has commits not yet pushed when exiting Smartgit

Bugged 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

When you close Smartgit and you have unpushed commits, Smargit git warns you that. However, it does not tell me where they are. When I have a repository with a large number of submodules or just a large number of repositories open, I cannot tell which one has unpushed commits because I do not remember when I did the commits and where. I can forget which submodule/repository I had committed when I had committed the changes several days ago.

Image 464

Related to:



Decrease the space between the commit title and commit body (message)

Bugged 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

In the following picture, the spacing between the avatar image/top text + commit title + commit body (message) could be smaller. The commit title is already bold, which should be enough to highlight it from the rest.

Image 462

Suggested distance: (Photoshop)

Image 463




More support for pushing tags upstream

Alan G. 5 years ago 0


One local repo encapsulating four similar upstream repos (master repo, fork of master repo, release repo, fork of release repo) containing the same code. The Master repo and its fork are where we work. The Release repo and its fork are updated each time a release is made. To mark a release I put a tag on two branches (we release two variants each time) and then need to send it upstream to all the repos so that they have it.

This is easy at the git shell level with git push <remote> --tags however it's one of the few occasions where SmartGit doesn't provide a better way of doing it. As far as I can see, SmartGit only allows one tag to be pushed to one remote at a time.

In Smartgit the operations on tags currently are Push and Push To... both of which only allow one upstream to be selected at a time, meaning that I have to locate and tick each of the two new tags and then do four Push/Push To operations to get the tags into all of the upstream repos. Actually it might be eight operations - I didn't check last time whether a ticked tag forms part of a selection and the whole selection is operated on or only the right-clicked tag.

The feature request:-

1) Right click on the Tags section of the Branches pane and have new options Push All to All Upstream and Push All To...

2) Push All To... should allow more than one selection

3) Right click on an individual tag - the Push To.. there should allow multiple upstream repos to be selected

4) Group operations in the Tags list - allow pushing of several tags by right click on one of a group that are ticked. Right clicking on an unticked tag would operate on that tag alone.

5) Expand the right click menu on a branch in the Branches pane to include Push Tags/Push Tags To...


Support for markdown documentation view

Davide Crivelli 5 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Great client. My favourite for sure. I use its commercial version at work.

It would be great to have a md viewer like github/bitbucket/gitlab have.