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Thank you for your help!
Provide drag-and-drop functionality for index and working tree virtual commits (Log as main window)
See also:
Allow to drag-and-drop index or working tree virtual commits so
- if dropped on any other commit
- if working tree is dragged and other commit is index, working tree gets staged
- if index is dragged and other commit is working tree, index gets unstaged
- for all of the other cases dragged commit gets squashed into other commit
- if dropped between commits
- 1. commit window appears
- 2. when commit/commit & push pressed, appropriate commit gets created from dragged one
- 3. if working tree/index is present after commit creation, it gets stashed
- 4. new commit gets reordered via interactive rebase (this way commit doesn't get lost if reordering produces any conflicts)
- 5. after interactive rebase is over
- 5.1 apply and drop stash (stage it if the index was stashed) if step 3 was executed
- 5.2 if rebase was aborted, reset temporary commit (--mixed if it was created from working tree, --soft otherwise)
- 5.3 if rebase succeeded and commit&push option was selected, push
Log, Files view: accelerators for toolbar buttons
Like the shortcuts in files view in the main window (Ctrl+1 display unchanged files etc.), I would like similar shortcuts to the toolbar buttons in the Files view in the Log window.
Ignore dialog list users exclude file
I have in my user (global) .gitconfig an excludes file listed.
I would like to add the *.ini in the Ignore dialog to that and not a repository related one.
Wondering if you can read the global excludes file to allow it to be listed.
Files: allow to (re)initialize several missing submodules at once
Sometimes, you have your working tree submodules on this state:
And SmartGit allows you to hit the `Initialize` button. But, if you select more than 1 submodule deleted/uninitialized, SmarGit hides the option:
Forcing me to do one by one.
SmartGit could be smarter and do not hide the `Initialize` option when selecting several uninitialized submodules.
Related to:
Syntax Highlighting: support for SystemVerilog
Would it be possible to add SystemVerilog syntax highlighting to built-in Text Editors?
Increase contrast for dark theme
Dark mode is great but contrast is generally too low, for example:
Hope this can be tweaked to improve the experience!
Discard: should work on renamed (missing/untracked) files
If a file has been renamed, Smartgit does not allow discarding it. I have to first delete the files, and then discard them in "missing state". This clearly can be automated to a single action.
Reset: split into several commands
The purpose of reset hard and reset soft/mixed is completely different, the latter commands I consider are rather expert commands. It might be useful for have a plain reset command for reset hard and some other reset advanced command, so the average user will not be confused by the 3(+1) options in the current Reset dialog.
Cherry-Pick dialog: add "Show only first parents" option
The "show only first parents" option in the log is would be nice to have it in the cherry-pick dialog as well.
Customer support service by UserEcho