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Less Intrusive Updates (background updates) and Messaging

Michael Sander 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 1

I purchased SmartGit and love it, but the constant messaging and update requests are a bit annoying. 

It would be great if there could be a less intrusive way of updating the software, such as background updates. I do not want to be reminded to download new versions or to restart the software. The downloads should happen automatically and maybe there can be an icon or some subtle notification that an update is pending a restart. Google Chrome does this nicely.

Also, the general notifications in the lower right corner are distracting. They pop up pretty much every time I load SmartGit for various reasons... new beta versions, new updates, etc. I don't want to turn them off altogether, but would be better if they were in a place that did not require my immediate attention.


Compare: behavior of double clicking (select word)

yasokada 6 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 6 years ago 0

I like smartgit much better than other git client software.

However, I have one thing to be modified in terms of the user interface of the smartgit.

It is about "double clicking" over the code.

For example, I have the code (Unit1.cpp) like this.


void __fastcall E_nameKeyPress() {

    //  something



I would like to obtain the function name by double clicking. However, I will get like [nameKeyPress] not [E_nameKeyPress]. 

Current behavior of the smartgit code view is to obtain strings separated by "-" or "_" etc. 

I hope the developped would consider to modify the UI so that I can obtain [E_nameKeyPress].


Display git-svn-id in commit details when present

Pierre Goiffon 6 years ago 0

This field is really usefull when working with git-svn !

In the log window the revision number do appear (but not in the journal view, I've already reported that here).

But the whole git-svn-id value is usefull also, and should be displayed when available in the commit details view in the log window.


Minimize to system tray

prixone 7 years ago updated by Mike 6 years ago 7

Added the ability to minimize to system tray.

I would love if it would be possible to make so when minimizing, it goes to the system tray(as perhaps an option in the preferences) instead of taskbar, to free some space from it and in cases when you don't need it but wants to leave it running which I do in many occasions.



macOS multiple screens support

Iulian Onofrei 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 0

It would be nice if the "Assign to this desktop" option would be

honoured by SmartGit, so if I assign it to Desktop 3, move to Desktop 1
and open it, it won't open on Desktop 1 as it does now, but on Desktop 3
instead. More so, it would be nice if each window would honour it so,
for example, the Log window could be assigned to Desktop 4.


Log: Title Bar Starts with Full Directory, Should Start with Repo Name Followed by Directory

Jeff Jensen 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 7

Can't differentiate between multiple Log windows in taskbar when repos have same starting dir path.

Running 17.1 RC3 Oct 7


Journal view on a git-svn repo : add the "SVN rev." column

Pierre Goiffon 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

When using Smartgit on a git-svn repo, the log window displays by default the "SVN rev." column in the commits view. However, this column cannot be added in the journal view in the main window : only the ID column is available.


github release: add full support for flags and messages

Jonas Eschle 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Currently, the git-flows 'Finish release' does a good job and has some nice flags already. Unfortunately, it does not work well together with the github release which offers some other flags (pre-release...) and the possibility to add a description (and more...).

Without this support, a release from smartgit is quite cumbersome as it requires to create a manual release on github and delete the tagged release created by smartgit


Allow hiding (or at least permanent disabling) of 'Commit & Push' in the 'Commit' dialog

Bruno 7 years ago updated by Jeff Jensen 7 years ago 2

The Commit dialog has 3 buttons in the bottom right: Commit, Commit & Push, and Cancel.

I would like to be able to either remove or permanently disable the 'Commit & Push' button. This button tempts users to Push before a final review of their commit. Also, being in the between the two more likely options a user will use, it has an increased chance to be pressed by mistake.

An entry in the could be used for this.