Share your ideas on how to improve SmartGit!

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Allow hiding (or at least permanent disabling) of 'Commit & Push' in the 'Commit' dialog

Bruno 7 years ago updated by Jeff Jensen 7 years ago 2

The Commit dialog has 3 buttons in the bottom right: Commit, Commit & Push, and Cancel.

I would like to be able to either remove or permanently disable the 'Commit & Push' button. This button tempts users to Push before a final review of their commit. Also, being in the between the two more likely options a user will use, it has an increased chance to be pressed by mistake.

An entry in the could be used for this.


View multi-selected directories changes

Kostadin 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 0

Let say I have changes in 10 folders. If I click the root folder is see the changes of all the 10 child directories. But if I need to show the changed files in 3 specific folders I can not. Intuitively I do it by selecting the three folders and expecting to see the changes in these directories. I consider that a must-have future.


Searchable help

Smartuser92546 7 years ago 0

It would be great to have searchable help navigation.

- Searchable help (and settings)

- Offline availablility

- Popup-help, e.g. when mouse pointer hovering over item e.g. 'untracked', it could show resolution or issue id with url/link (this should be a setting which can be disabled in settings)

I hope this request is not a duplicate (See also 'Searchable settings', but not the same)

Kind regards


Improve "Squash" dialog consistency when executed in different places

Sync 7 years ago 0

When I do a Squash from the Journal Window, I get to choose the Authorship.  But when I squash from the Interactive Rebase dialog, I only get to edit the commit message.  

It would be nice to be consistent.  For now,  I always end the  Interactive Rebase first, then go back to Journal to squash them.


Log: "Working Tree" Toolbar button in Log Windows for more obvious/easier navigation

Bernard 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 4

I very often find myself searching through all the opened SmartGit windows.  Although I understand why it is done this way, to me, this is a major weakness of the whole SmartGit workflow (always hunting for windows).
I only very recently discovered the "Open Working Tree" option in the "Repository" menu which is a nice helper, but it is not obvious to discover and being buried in a menu makes it less optimal for navigating "back". I tried to customize the toolbar on Log windows to add this button, but there does not seem to be a way to do that.


Better Key-Mapping for Conflict Solver window

Eugen Wiens 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 4

The keys that are used in the merge window are not ergonomic. The key mapping that is using by win-merge are very cool.

ALT + down: next

ALT + right: take left

ALT + left: take right



Add stash push for stashing a subset of changed files

My-Tien 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 7 years ago 4


In the commad line you can stash a subset of changed files with:

git stash push <path-to-file>

This is useful, e.g.

- to see if changes in them are necessary for a commit

- to exclude them from a commit (sometimes quicker than staging)

- to quickly compare behaviour with and without changes in the files

- to determine if these changes caused a bug



Automaticly add commit message from latest in log

soulkey4 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 1

Istead of disabling commit buttons, would be much convinient to have commit message that you previsly typed. 

(Select button is good but its also too complicated)


Support for hg evolve extension

Cinderblocks 7 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 1 year ago 1

Support for hg evolve extension. Experimental support exists on bitbucket cloud.


Implement custom (external) commands which can be accessible from menu or tool bar

Vladimir Butorin 7 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 7 years ago 5

some times we have to execute some special command (call some scripts and etc.). It will be not bad to call it by pressing one button instead of opening terminal and writing there the full command.