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Exclude merges from log view (for a file)

Alireza 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Pull: add an optional confirmation dialog for large rebases

Sampsa Lehtonen 6 years ago updated by Mike 6 years ago 1

If origin branch has diverged (other developer has rebased it in order to do pull request, for example), it might be really expensive to do a simple pull where the whole rebase process is then run locally, even if you had no changes at all, or some minor changes. In ideal world this should not happen, of course.

In those cases, a simple optional warning dialog would be appreciated so that if you do a pull, you can decide whether just to reset the branch and do cherry-picks instead (if needed).

I don't know what would be the reasonable threshold for this, but maybe something like behind 20 and pushable commits 20.


Allow changing the space replacement character for branch names

Michael N 6 years ago updated by Dmytro Stolynets 6 months ago 2

When naming a new branch you can type as normal and hit the space bar in between words. SmartGit will insert an underscore ("_") in place of the space (" ") when making the branch name. I like being able to just hit the space bar and letting SmartGit make the branch name valid, but I prefer to use dash ("-") to separate words in branch names because it is more easily readable to me.

Could there be a SmartGit setting to specify what character should be used to replace spaces in branch names? This could let people use "_", "-", "+", or even "/" as they prefer.


Log, Changes view: add more information about diffed commits to tab title

wolkenschieber 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 6 years ago 2

The changes view has a great diff part. This diff shows the changes between the previous and the current revision. However I sometimes have trouble telling both apart. This might arise from using Eclipse, as in its diff view the order is different. (Don't pin me down on that,  it can switch sides to add  to the confusion).

What would really help me is some additional information in the diff part. Annotate the header with a commit date and/or the author. Or just adapt the tab title to: Changes of File (Modified, old-sha vs sha current).


Multi-repository Support: Git "Rebase HEAD To Fetched" option

Jeff Jensen 6 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 3 years ago 0

I have many repo groups, some with only a few repos and some with over 20.  I use the "fetch in background" feature to do so when online, in case I am soon working offline, and also as a local preview of incoming changes.

With many repos having fetched changes, similar to Pull/Push on selected repos and repo groups, I want a single menu option to rebase each repo to the fetched changes.  This would save a lot of manual processing work and waiting time on many updated repos, especially repo groups with larger repo quantities.


Auto file backup on Discard

Sync 6 years ago updated by Wlf 6 months ago 8

In SnapshotCM, this program will always make a .bak copy of the file (saved in the same folder) on every "Discard" message.  If there is already a .bak file, it just increments to .bak1 on the next "Discard".

This feature is really handy to cater the case of accidental Discards (e.g. laggy computer, clicked on wrong button).

Having a bunch of .bak file in the workspace was a bit annoying.  So, if SmartGit wants to implement a similar safety feature, I suggest:

  • Saving it somewhere in %localappdata%.  It can probably just follow the hierarchy of the workspace.
  • User then invokes a "See backups" button, which opens up a window (like the Log Window).
  • By default, save only up to 5 backups per file (or something like that, to prevent extreme accumulation).  The idea is to mainly to cater accidental Discards, or recent Discards.
  • It can be turned off by default, and is an opt-in option so user knows where the backups are saved (or perhaps allow the user to pick a backup space).

Remove files incompatible with the current .gitignore

David Rodrigues 6 years ago updated by Paul Ewers 7 months ago 4

If you create a file like "abc.txt", commit it, then create a gitignore to ignore that file, this file will keep being part of the repository. So a solution like "removed ignored files" should be great.

It could be done automatically, like an suggestion to user just remove a new ignored file from repository, or as a tool option (via menu).

It basically do that:

git rm -r --cached . 
git add .


Add "Quick Filter" for Repositories

Sync 6 years ago updated by benblo 11 months ago 3

I have a lot of repositories in my [Repositories] window, and most of them are placed in groups, and typically collapsed when not needed.  When I need to look for one particular repo which I know the name (or partial name), I need to expand the repo groups and search manually. 

It should be nice if the bottom of the window includes a quick search text field to filter things out as I type.


Clearer option in "Amend" to re-use previous commit's comment

Sync 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

The current behavior when "Amend"-ing a commit:

  • If the comment dialog is blank and "Amend" is checked, the previous commit's message is automatically populated
  • If the comment dialog is not blank and "Amend" is checked, nothing is changed.

For the second bullet point, the usual workaround is to clear the message and uncheck-then-check "Amend".  I realized this while playing around with SmartGit from day 1, but I realize that none of my teammates realize this.

Perhaps add another explicit checkbox like "override with previous commit's message".  Implicit behavior (i.e. having to manually clear the field) is bad UI, IMO.


Add fossil support

Dan Gibson 6 years ago 0

Fossil is lacking a good gui. Since SmartGit supports git and hg, perhaps it could support fossil too?