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Push (SVN): autostash dirty index/working tree [SG-9731]

dmitry andreev dev 8 years ago updated by Graham Jans 7 years ago 1

I’m trying to use SmartGit to work with remote SVN repository. Everything works fine except the fact that the SmartGit can’t perform “push to remote” if working index is not clean. I have to perform “Save Stash” -> “Push” -> “Apply Stash” as a workaround, which is pretty annoying to perform manually and seems like extremely easy to automate (at least as a temporary bugfix). I’ve used Tortoise SVN before and it had an ability to commit+push not all modified files. I would be happy if it would be possible to do in SmartGit


git archive support

Joel 8 years ago updated by Allen 1 year ago 6

I often want to archive to zip format a set of commits. I use this: git archive HEAD $(git diff --name-only HEAD^ 6b1fee558318cc9cd65b3369c5a33de4a131694f )

This is great except when the resultset from git diff has too many entries. This may be because we have commit A, B, and C. Commit A modified 10 files. Commit B added 4,000 files and Commit C modified 5 files. Ideally I would like to be able to select only Commit A and C from the log and pass them to git archive instead of passing a range of commits. This allows me to avoid Commit B with the many added files.

Also, it would nice to have this functionality within a GUI

Under review

Log: symbols for count of addition / changes / deletions

ck05 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

Some other GIT clients show a summary of changes/actions in the log list, which is sometimes very useful [1].

SmartGit shows this information once a commit is selected, but not in the list.

I suggest that this information is shown (as an option) also in the list itself, so that it's easier to find e.g. the last commit where files were deleted. If it's an expensive operation, that could be labeled behind the column name in the context menu, so that users are aware that this column might hurt performance.


Image 26


repository gets update only when pull. Souce tree displays already committed items even before pull.

sreenivas pachva 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 5 years ago 19

repository gets update only when pull. Souce tree displays already committed items even before pull.


Do not prefer hg if the repo has both hg and git metadata

Alireza 8 years ago 0

Better to ask which one is prefered


Button "Sync" should first make a Pull, then a Push

leonardo danieli 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 5

When I press the button Sync and there are changes to be pulled, it always complains that are changes to be pulled before the Push.

Why don't change the order that the events happen? First Pull, second Push.


Confirmation to open a new window in case the app is busy

Kanstantsin Kamkou 8 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 8 years ago 1

In case the app is pulling a repo, please ask me if I would like to open a new window (with remember option) to do a async action (i.e. to pull another repo).


Log, Details: Allow to select both (SHA, commiter, date) and message at once

Alexander Puchkov 8 years ago updated by Alexander Miloslavskiy 8 years ago 1

If I want to copy information about some commit I have to select SHA + commiter first, copy, paste in other application, then come back to SmartGit and select commit message after.


Separate command output log file (in addition to log.txt)

Craig Caulfield 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 5

The output log is great idea. I can see (and learn from) the commands being executed.

You can go through the log files in the .settings directory but they're logging lots of other activity besides the straight Git/Mercurial commands. It would be handy to see just the VCS commands and their output.


Mercurial: implement the incoming command to view incoming changes

Craig Caulfield 8 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 8 years ago 1

Sometimes I want to see what I'm pulling before I actually bring the changes in. Atlassian's SourceTree does this by default.