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Take the time to describe your request as precisely as possible, so users will understand what you want. Please note that we appreciate your time and input, but we don't give any guarantees that a certain feature will be implemented. Usually, a minimum requirement is a sufficient number of votes. Hence, please don't comment like "when will this be implemented", but vote instead.

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Thank you for your help!


record conflict resolution steps

Ulrich Scholz 10 months ago 0

In the following situation, I have to repeat manual work. It could be automated:

  • I have a feature branch and merged in develop at some point
  • Merging in develop resulted in conflicts that I resolved
  • Some time later, the feature branch is rebased on the then-latest develop
  • The conflicts I've resolved when merging in develop now appear again and need to be resolved again.

Could the steps to resolve the merge conflicts be recorded and applied again on reabase?

Image 834

Image 835

Conflict Solver

add groups and repos using a script / cmd

ori ohayon 11 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 11 months ago 1

looking for a way to auto add (by script) a group with many repos in it from the command line.
should i edit the repository-grouping.yml ?

Command line options

Standard window: (optionally) re-open submodules (tabs) on next startup of smartGit

h siegl 11 months ago updated by Thomas Singer 11 months ago 0

Right now, open tabs of submodules are lost, when smartGit is closed. A option to keep them in the tabs until removed manually would be great.

Repository Management Standard window

SmartSVN: add command line option to view Log window

pgeissler 11 months ago in SmartSVN updated by Thomas Singer 11 months ago 0

open the log window of a file in one or more branches. 

Command line options Log window

Set DpiAwareness to permonitorv2; fallback to older implementations at runtime

Noah Sherwin 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 1


The current DpiAware/DpiAwareness level (which is probably 'unaware') leads to the GUI being bitmap scaled (and blurred) when the DPI changes e.g. when moved from a display with 125% display scale to one with 100% display scale.

Scaled to 125% display.

Image 824

Scaled to 125% display then moved to a display with 100% display scale.

Image 823


Commit dialog, ability to disable "Local changes" option and always use "Staged Changes"

dylan lamont 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 3

I regularly accidentally commit Local changes rather than Staged changes. Sure, it's user error, but after staging, I'm in the habit of just leaving the message and committing as you'd expect from most GIT GUIs. Especially as it usually defaults to "Staged Changes", it's hard always to remember to check which option has been chosen. 

An alternative fix would be to allow the option to always default to "Staged Changes".

Image 810

Commit dialog Working Tree window Log window

Add Ctrl + G hotkey to jump to a certain line of code when Changes-panel is focused

Anton 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 4

Add feature to show/hide all branches with a certain prefix

Anton 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 0

On a Graph-panel, I want to hide all commits from a certain folder "release" in one click.
Now it's not possible
You have to uncheck each checkbox for each branch for that.
I suggest to add a checkbox for a folder to do that.

Image 802


Custom Open action on a repository

Marko 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 1

A lot of us are using different IDE-s for repos, I use 3, and it would be great if I would be able to right click the repo name, and select "Open -> MY CUSTOM ACTION" which I would configure in the settings (hm I didn't check if this exists actually will check, but in case it doesn't...) so I can add "Visual Studio Code" and have it in the menu so I can "Open > Visual Studio Code" right from the SmartGit. 


Add hotkey for "Open in git shell" for currently opened repository

Anton 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1

Image 796