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Thank you for your help!


Allow middle click on windows title when show changes to close

Duoc Dam 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 1

Hi there,

I want to suggest a behavior on Show Changes windows that allows the user to use a middle click at any position on the title to close windows (it's like close tab behavior on the browsers)



Allow setting shortcut for external tools

Duoc Dam 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 3

Hi dev team,

I often work on many repositories and use external terminals to execute commands, build, test, etc.
Very useful if allowed to set a hotkey for it, then I just click on repository and press hotkey instead of right-clicking and selecting "Open in Terminal"



Standard window, Open Submodule: make opening easier

Thomas Singer 1 year ago in SmartSynchronize 0

Especially, if there are no local changes, currently, opening a submodule means to switch to the Local Files view, selecting the Submodule category, double clicking the submodule.

There should be an easier way.

Standard window

Automatically fetch avatars from GitHub for those using the GH noreply e-mail to author commits

Peter J. Mello 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 1

I encountered the dialog box inquiring if I'd like to switch to using the complimentary noreply email address when contributing to a repository there today and it raised some thoughts I thought worth sharing. Naturally this is all anecdotal and possibly dated as well, but though in principle I very much like the concept of GH's noreply email, in general I rely too heavily on the presence of avatars/Gravatars/Libravatars in the log to keep track of who's doing what to feel like I can make use of it. I had done a brief trial run with it in the past and as I tend to prefer a number of other repository hosts to GitHub, quickly decided to abandon it once I saw that it essentially eliminated any trace of my identity on those sites and reduced me to a generic avatar in their commit logs. As it seems obvious that I can't add the address to my Gravatar/Libravatar accounts if I can't receive email sent to it, I gave the matter no more thought. I'd like to ask, though:

Is there anything stopping SmartGit and the other Syntevo products from fetching/displaying my avatar from GitHub when obviously that noreply address is tied to my GitHub account?

Mostly I'm referring to this in regards to repos hosted elsewhere than GH. (I'm not sure if you already do this for GH repos, but I seem to remember that you do) If this became available then I would definitely appreciate the freedom to make use of the noreply address in certain circumstances since the SmartGit behavior impacts me much more than the other hosts' websites. I'd even be content if this behavior was managed as a flag in the Advanced Settings list. Thanks for taking the time to review my idea/request; you make fantastic products that I'm proud to be a customer of.


Add option to colour tags on different colors - by regex for example

konstantin chernyaev 1 year ago 0

I mark commits wich are deployed on different environment (PROD, test etc) by tags. Tags are of course have different masks in name, but look very very similarly. If different environments have tags different color it will be much more comfortable.


Activate feature "Edit in Index Editor" in Working Tree for Untracked files

Anton 1 year ago 0

This feature is already exists and now it is disabled for untracked files but what if I need to do a small change right here in the window without switching to editor.

Improve Git commands

Add hotkeys for existing features

Anton 1 year ago 0

Add hotkey for feature "Edit in Index Editor" in Changes-window in main window of an application
Now there is no hotkey for this feature

Ideally, all the features (or most of them) should be assignable for hotkeys (even withoud default hotkey but with ability to assign it in preferences). It simplifies working with any application.

Another frequently used hotkey is hotkey to "Open in Explorer" for "Repositories" panel.

File compare

Add option to start powershell as second option to the "Open in Terminal" on Windows

Pavlo Yalandin 1 year ago updated by Thomas Singer 1 year ago 10

Would be nice to have that on Windows (Linux should be supported as well, but not really needed, I guess).

Cmd is old and not convenient anymore for the commands to run.

I have tried several approaches to add it the same way as cmd, but the window with terminal simply won't show up.


Add option to hide old commits in graph

Anton 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1

For example, you have a repo with huge amount of commits made during ~5-10 year but every working day you only need commits made for the last 1-3 months.
Each time you open SmartGit it has to load all commits for 10 years, keep it in memory constantly, show a graph...
It increases RAM consumption and overwhelms the user with excessive information that will never or very rarely be used.
I suggest to add an option "show commits for the last N-days (months, years)" so that all old commits that are out of range will be hidden (will not be loaded during application startup).
If a user occasionally wants to see these commits he can click "show more" at the place of the oldest commit to load more commits or all of them.



Václav Jedlička 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 7

Please add a dashboard containing all the Git repositories, with the repositories containing pending changes marked in a different color.