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Thank you for your help!


Two line stash list

Wlf 2 years ago 0

With the stash prefix including the date and time, the single line stash list format doesn't allow much room for reading the note with the stash. 

Please consider an optional 2 line stash list, with the stash comment on the 2nd line.


Log, Graph: make refs compacted in white box "x refs" accessible

Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

It should be possible to easily invoke operations on those refs which are displayed compacted using the white "x refs" box.


Documentation for bisect

n estner 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

There's a menu item for bisect, but 0 documentation how it's supposed to be used. 


Branches view: Auto-scroll-to-checked-out-branch is frustrating

Joshua 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

I work with multiple repositories where I switch between them multiple times a day. Typically the first thing I want to do when switching to a repository is to check out a particular branch on it. So I usually start scrolling/drilling-into branches to find what I'm looking for. But SmartGit has multiple background tasks it runs when switching to a repository, and after each task completes, it auto-scrolls the branches list make the currently-checked-out branch be at the top of the list.

This gets very frustrating as this is my typical workflow:

1. I open a repository

2. I scroll branches to try to find one

3. SmartGit finishes a task ("Refreshing...") and auto-scrolls branches list

4. I scroll again to try to find one

5. SmartGit finishes another task ("Initializing Subtree-Cache...") and auto-scrolls branches list again.

6. Now it seems done with background tasks and I can scroll again.

It would be great if it only auto-scrolls to the selected branch once, immediately upon opening a repository, and not again multiple times as background tasks complete.


Windows explorer context menu "SmartGit log" command

Davide F 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0


I know there are several tools to customize the Windows explorer context menu. 

The command I would need is "smartgitc.exe --log C:\path\to\repository\path\to\file", as documented in the SG help.

However, it would be very nice if, during the installation, SmartGit would allow to add this command by itself, therefore without the need of an external and possibly unsafe program (which by the way I cannot install so easily because I don't have admin rights in my company and I have to justify the need of a "not authorized" tool).

Thanks in advance.


Changes view: add a new small panel with differences of currently selected lines

Alex214 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

It's especially usefull when comparing long lines that differs only a few symbols.
Unified mode is an overkill for this purpose. I need only one certain row to compare, not blocks of code.
If someone don't need it this panel can be hidden as well as in Unified mode.
See how it's done in Beyond Compare:

Image 712


Add external tool variable for current branch for file commands

AlexV 2 years ago 0

I would like to be able to configure an external tool to work on a file, in the branch I am looking at it in.

For example, I would want to create a command the shows the file I am looking at in GitHub. I have the remote url already, and the path to the file, and the root of the repo to make the relative path, the only bit I'm missing is which branch I'm looking at.


Allwow scrollbars to be always visible (but only when overflow is needed), without hiding

mturecki 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 4

Scrollbar hiding animation is unnecessarily distracting (flickering) but more importantly scrollbars are covering commit time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm mode) making it impossible to see what time commit was done, without waiting for fade animation to complete.

I could not find a way to disable scrollbar hiding and hovering over (in my case commit graph) contents using advanced settings, so I assume this is not possible and hopefully this feature request can be considered.

Image 706


Add hotkey Ctrl + F3 to find next match of a selected text in "File Compare" window

Alex214 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1