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The "Commit & Push" button on the "Commit" window should be enabled for local-only branches

griscom 2 years ago 0

If you commit to a local-only branch, the "Commit & Push" button is disabled. Should be enabled; if clicked, bring up the "Do you wan to configure tracking"? dialog.


Fix file tab "relative directory" order on folders with name containing hyphen

Nicolas Deveaud 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

In my project, I have folders named "consumer" and "consumer-web".

In File tab, when I order by "relative directory", the result is not what is expected.

The list shows:

1/ files directly in "consumer" folder

2/ files in "consumer-web" folder

3/ files in sub-folders under "consumer" folder

What I would like to see :

1/ files directly in "consumer" folder

2/ files in sub-folders under "consumer" folder

3/ files in "consumer-web" folder

Image 686


Ability to suppress "Error-prone config" warning

jim 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

I've started receiving an error message saying my git config is "error-prone", after moving the .git folder to a non-standard location:

For the repository the .git-admin directory is not located below /Users/xxxxx/.git, 
but at /Volumes/xxxxx/.git instead.
This indicates an error-prone configuration and will most likely result in confusion 
and strange behavior. You should re-clone the submodule from scratch.

I'd like to be able to suppress this warning - I moved the .git folder deliberately and as my least-bad choice. 


Rebase feature branch onto older revision of master

uscholz 2 years ago 0

Let's say, I have a feature branch b1 based on branch master. After rebasing it to the newest version of master, I realize there's a problem and want to go back. But I cannot rebase b1 onto an older revision of master because the path from the new base commit to my feature branch head includes the commits of master.

Currently, I create a new branch at the new base commit and cherry-pick all the commits of my feature branch. That works but requires to create a new branch with a new name.

I'd propose to add a rebase option that allows to choose the branch to be rebased (maybe only visible if there's the need for it). Rebasing then starts with the first commit of that branch. If there is a sequence of branches (b1 based on master, b2 based on b1, and so on), smartGit could offer a list to chose from.


Changes window should show most recently selected file, not topmost

Nicholas 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

When there are multiple files in the Files window, I may want to select a group of them using Shift + Up/Down or Ctrl + Click. This works fine; however, the Changes window does not show the most recently selected file, it shows the topmost selected file. So if I want to look at the files as I select them, I have to start from the bottom and go up. This is inconvenient. I should be able to select them in any order and see the most recently selected file in the Changes window. Thanks for the awesome tool!


Ubuntu: open in smartgit from nautilus background context (like in Windows ver.)

Eigil 2 years ago 0

In Ubuntu/nautilus it would be nice to have "Open in SmartGit" when right-clicking on the background (like in the Windows ver.).


Quick checkout with a search (like in Intellij IDEA)

alexei ivanovski 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

Intellij IDEA has a very convenient feature, that allows to open dialog with a list of branches and the user is able to search through this list and do a checkout without the necessity to use the mouse.


Compact text branch display

griscom 2 years ago 0

In several places, there is a text listing of branches that the current commit is on. Problem: local branches and tracked branches are separately listed, which makes the list long and difficult to understand.

Suggestion: list the tracking and tracked branches together. So, instead of:

> master, origin/master

have something like:

> [origin/]master


Add support for custom app URLs

Iulian Onofrei 2 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could share a link to a commit to someone, and have it get opened in SmartGit on click.

For example, Unibox does something similar using links like: `unibox://message/iulian@<redacted>.com/12976154771018448553-1784412223445418743`.

Maybe something like `smartgit://commit/`, and have SmartGit search the other person's repositories in order to find a repo with the same remote as in the URL.


Modify Commit: don't select Index after starting a modify

Iulian Onofrei 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

Currently, when you select a commit, right click it, and select modify, the Index gets selected, which is very annoying, because I often need to go back and select again the commit that I want to modify (e.g. to verify what files it changed, etc.).