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Quick checkout with a search (like in Intellij IDEA)

alexei ivanovski 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

Intellij IDEA has a very convenient feature, that allows to open dialog with a list of branches and the user is able to search through this list and do a checkout without the necessity to use the mouse.


Compact text branch display

griscom 2 years ago 0

In several places, there is a text listing of branches that the current commit is on. Problem: local branches and tracked branches are separately listed, which makes the list long and difficult to understand.

Suggestion: list the tracking and tracked branches together. So, instead of:

> master, origin/master

have something like:

> [origin/]master


Add support for custom app URLs

Iulian Onofrei 2 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could share a link to a commit to someone, and have it get opened in SmartGit on click.

For example, Unibox does something similar using links like: `unibox://message/iulian@<redacted>.com/12976154771018448553-1784412223445418743`.

Maybe something like `smartgit://commit/`, and have SmartGit search the other person's repositories in order to find a repo with the same remote as in the URL.


Modify Commit: don't select Index after starting a modify

Iulian Onofrei 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

Currently, when you select a commit, right click it, and select modify, the Index gets selected, which is very annoying, because I often need to go back and select again the commit that I want to modify (e.g. to verify what files it changed, etc.).


Add support for APNGs

Iulian Onofrei 2 years ago 0

Currently, SmartGit also correctly displays them as simple PNGs:

> The first frame of an APNG file is stored as a normal PNG stream, so most standard PNG decoders are able to display the first frame of an APNG file.

so this would be a low priority, nice to have, enhancement.


warn on expired gpg signing keys instead of just failing

Aron 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

Currently when a signing key expires, smartgit only shows the attached message.
The log file also only outputs that gpg2 failed to sign a commit.

I'm not sure if you actually get more output by git/gpg if it fails to sign a commit with an expired key. If so showing that info or logging it at least would be nice.
In either way it would also be nice if smartgit does warn that this might be the reason, or could just make a quick check in the settings dialog if the specified key is still valid.

I know that it's a little bit of extra feature, but this really threw me off when it just stopped working after some years and the "user experience" is really bad. I just happened to invoke gpg2 -k and finding that the entry for my key is actually expired. Just re-running the smartgit command displayed below to debug it by yourself is obviously not possible as the tmp file is gone.

Image 673


Add lines added/removed column in Files view

Stefan 2 years ago 0

Description: Add one or two columns in the Files view, indicating how many lines were added/removed

Scenario: I want for a commit, or for a diff between 2 commits, find which files contain most changes in order to quickly assess the risk of this merging this change to a release. Therefore I would like a column to indicate this, so I can sort on that one.

Example from TortoiseGit UI:

Image 671


Add SmartGit's git, ssh and other unix utilities to Windows PATH as part of the installer

Rasmus 2 years ago 0

Making it easy to add the git, bash, ssh and other utilities to the PATH of the Windows machine where SmartGit is installed

We have users that also install “Git for Windows” and then use that for command line git – which can lead to different version of git with different setups leading to problems.

If the SmartGit installer could just register its directories on the PATH then people would only have to install one tool.


GitFlow: Add default configuration to be enabled upon cloning a specific repo or upon cloning any repo

paul freer 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 2

Add ability for user to set the default GitFlow configuration with an option to automatically initialize GitFlow per the default upon any cloned repo or upon any cloned repo for an enterprise. 


Add mode to Reset menu name; optionally with a Preference to choose default mode

MattD 2 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 2 years ago 1

Users coming from Atlassian SourceTree are used to Mixed being the default. And, I almost never use hard reset, though others clearly do.

It would be clearer if the reset menu's name included the mode. So instead of "Reset.." it would say "Reset (Hard).."

It would also be convenient to have a preference that changes the mode of the "Reset.." menu. If you did both of these suggestions, the "Reset.." menu name would change based on the selection.