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Add options for add, create or clone Repository to the Group context menu

LaGuNa 2 years ago 0

Options for add, create or clone Repository are only available on the Repository menu bar.

Image 665

It would be useful to have this options on the Group context menu, too.

Image 666


Merge:allow to “--allow-unrelated-histories“

abiel zhang 2 years ago 0

allow merge other remotes


Add option to not show files modified on EOLs only

NinjaCross 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Our team is working on a project where many files are changed and saved by tools.
Many of those files are identical to the versioned ones, except for EOLs.

We cannot change the EOL settings in Git, and SmartGit is showing tons of "Modified (EOLs only)" files.

It would be great to have the possibility to hide them in order to have a clean visualization of the files that needs for a (real) commit


Indicate LFS status before upload

Per Holmes 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 6

SmartGit should show an LFS indicator next to each file that *will be* committed with LFS, *before* the commit is done.

Ever so often, you bring in a new file type that should be handled with LFS. But without an indicator, it's not immediately obvious that you're committing such a file. Over and over, I accidentally put some 30 MB file into the normal repository, because it's some new executable or data file with a new extension, and I don't realize that this extension isn't already in .gitattributes. Then I realize the error, update .gitattributes, and going forward, this file type is now handled.

But the damage is done. I have half a dozen repositories that now have very large files on the normal Git side, which will never, ever leave the repositories.

SmartGit is hiding the LFS status too much. There should either be an indicator next to files that will be upload with LFS, or a column with the LFS status, that can be enabled.

The feature simply indicates whether the file name matches a mask in .gitattributes.

Please please please.




Select "Local changes" by default on committing some of staged files

ansi dev 3 years ago updated by PriDonk 2 years ago 6

When I have multiple staged files, but I select only some of them and press the button "Commit", I expect that the option "Local Changes" will be selected by default because I don't want to commit all staged files.

Sometimes, I forget to change the option, so SmartGit commits all staged files and it takes time to reset and re-commit.

At this time, the option "Staged changes" was selected automatically ( It makes sense if the user selects nothing and only press the button "Commit".


UI - Add "Commit & Push" button to commit panel

Rob Rimmer 3 years ago 0

Commit panel has very useful button for quickly commiting the changes in the panel

Consider adding Commit and Push button (as for the commit dialog)

When using CI, I very frequently make minor changes and immediately push to trigger the CI pipeline.  A commit and push button on this panel would save me much time


Pull/Push: allow to cancel

AdamJensen 3 years ago updated by AdemJensen 2 years ago 13

Sometimes when pushing, it often fails (Especially in Mainland China), I would like to cancel it instead of waiting for it.


Log, Files context menu for selected commits: show working tree commands

taos 3 years ago updated by Thomas Singer 3 years ago 0

1) Give back context menu items of non-head commits

Image 583

It seems SmartGit 20.1 Preview 10 (2020-02-13) from changelog-20.1.x.txt updated:

- Log:
  Files: right-clicking a file in a non-head commit only shows now external tools that operate on that commit

Now it is really not easy to use `Reveal in explorer` or `Edit` command from files' context menu when we are
browsing commit histories or file log history. I also try to add my own external tool, but not show too.

Hope they can come back.

2) Show `Open in Git-Shell` from context menu of directories in Files.

It is complicated to use `Open in Git-Shell` in SmartGit,  this menu is always grey and unclickable unless
we focus on the **Repositories Window**. Hopefully it can be show at the context menu of directores
in Files.

Image 584


Log: Checkout should follow the same "default branch" name logic as Add Branch

Colin Richardson 3 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 3 years ago 0

Currently if you make a branch, it follows the logic of default branch name, in my case `feature/` 

but in log, if you go to checkout a commit, the default local branch name does not follow the same logic, and just calls it 'branch'

Image 571


Multi line commit message view in Graph via checkbox

sir seko 3 years ago 0

Option to view multi-line commit messages in the Graph view itself. Would replace new line character with an actual line break. Multi-line messages tend to be rare imo but when you have one it's best to be able to see all of it. A checkbox toggle would make the feature optional.