Share your ideas on how to improve SmartGit!

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First search for a similar request and add your votes or comments there.

Take the time to describe your request as precise as possible, so users will understand what you want.

Follow the writing guidelines.

Thank you for your help!


Gitlab Merge Request; if fetch, immediately enable display

griscom 2 years ago 0

If there's a new Gitlab Merge Request, and you use "Fetch Merge Request" to fetch it, it should be by default displayed (with the checkbox checked).


Move stash with drag'n drop

Nicolas Deveaud 2 years ago updated by Patrick Lehmann 1 year ago 5

In graph view, I would like to grab a stash and drop it on top of another commit.

This would "rebase"the stash.

This helps keeping stashes linked to a branch after rebasing this branch.


SSH: FIDO2/YubiKey support

Marc Strapetz 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

SmartGit is not capable of handling SSH keys based on FIDO2/YubiKey. For example, it will fail for keys generated with:

$ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -O resident -O application=ssh:github


Windows arm support

defjux 2 years ago 0

I'm running Windows 11 (ARM) using parallels on my M1 macbook pro. I can run smartgit on my mac which is great, but I can't install it on my windows VM, can you add support for windows arm as well?



Scaling UI -- ui.dpiFactor -- open the options, it's just math

schmelik 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

Currently, there are 2 options 1(100%) or 2(200%)
This is not flexible at all. With many form factors for monitors, I would like more control so I can fulfill my specific need.

For me, 100% is too small 200% too large, yet those are the only options

Why not allow the input of actual percentage or multiplication factor i.e. 1.5

fyi - using windows application scaling does not work as smartgit does not act the same way other applications work. If I scale the system prefs to a viable size every application UI but smartgit is too large

please give me the scaling flexibility for my specific monitor


Add more info to Output window

Def 2 years ago 0

Pull (Rebase)

Pull (Rebase)

Pull (Rebase)

Pull (Rebase)

Pull (Rebase)

Pull (Rebase)






Pull (Rebase)

isn't very helpful.

Please add the repo name in there too so we don't have to expand everything to see what was actually changed.


Mass checkout or group actions on common-name branches in different projects

maL oun 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Hello and thank you for such great app!

I want to to propose you a simple feature.

Currently when you select two or more projects together, the branches window does not show anything. The reason why, is because of this selection is using for making groups.

So I want propose to show in this case the "common-name branches" of these projects or a group. And allow users to do group actions on them, such as mass-checkout or delete or commit or else.

I want show you, what it looks normal in your app design. 

See picture from right, I added a red line arrow and brace to show selected projects and their common branches in branches window.

This will be the great feature to save time of people who working on task in several projects at once. You can see other users asking this feature: User[1]User[2]User[3]

Thanks for your work and patience. Best wishes to SmartGit!

Image 660


Log, Branches: Add ORIG_HEAD to list of Branches that can be viewed

David Rees 2 years ago updated by Marc Strapetz 2 years ago 0

It would be very handy if the Branches listed listed ORIG_HEAD in addition to HEAD for selection. So the user could quickly check ORIG_HEAD to see their previous state after commands like rebase. Thanks!


Add Feature/Branch: preference option to switch between snake_case/kebab-case/camelCase at branch/feature creation

Christophe Braud 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

When I create a feature, space are automatically convert into underscore to create a snake_case name. Some projects use kebab-case in place of snake_case, it could be nice to have a preference for that (maybe with global and per repository settings)